Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pro bowling and sleep deprivation. Combination for destruction.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Pro bowling and sleep deprivation. Combination for destruction. 
Current mood:  drained 
Category: Blogging

So, I just got pro status in Wii Bowling. Jealous? This basically means that I will possibly never play bowling again. Last time I got 13 points aways from making pro and then I played like ten bad games and dropped 60 points. So I finally worked my way back up and now then only difference that I can tell is stars on my ball. Hmm. I'm now working on my Golf and Tennis. Sadly this is how Mena and I pass our time when it is a chilly 65 degrees outside (i know, shameful). So, I'm super excited about the Wii fit, not because I'm so delusional as to think I won't need my Gym membership anymore (I'm laughing on the inside at that one), but because the Wii in our house is the modern day game board. We all play and we all look truly ridiculous doing it. I smell a home video idea baking. Chances are if Mena has met you, she's made you a character she can play against. So when you come over your Mii is already set up. 

In Jake news, we are on day three of the crib relocation. And by crib I mean port-a-crib cause my husband can't give me a straight answer about the hardware for the very nice crib we already own. For those of you who don't know, Jake has been scratching the top of his head like crazy in the middle of the night to the point that he wakes himself up bleeding. So up til now he's been sleeping in his bouncy seat next to my side of the bed so that I can put socks on his hands and tuck them in with several blankets. He's been too big to swaddle for a while now. Anyway a little Aquaphor and a touch of Benadryl seems to be doing the trick. Last night I had two two-hour sleep runs. Hey, that's better than getting up every 30 minutes. if you see me, just give me coffee.

1:52 PM 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit Remove

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Gory Details -as promised.
Current mood: exhausted
Category: Blogging

Thank you to all of you who have been leaving comments and sending me messages the last 6 weeks. The move from one child to two has proven to be a challenge. Also, my husband has found that the most reliable escape is to look busy on the computer. So, I hardly ever get near it.

We are all great. Jake is a chunk weighing over 12 pounds now. His clothes are all for a six-month-old. We got our fist smiles and cooing laughs this week, which just turns us all into a stupid mess. Mena is a very protective older sister, and she hasn't yet asked to send Jake back to where he came from.

I have started working out like a crazy person, going once or twice a day. I have also started with the personal trainer that I paid for in January. She's not really challenging me yet. I told he that I wanted to feel like I was going to throw-up after every time that I see her. I told her I wanted to be beaten into the ground at every session. She doesn't get it yet. Just as well. I have started to have inexplicable pain and swelling in my joints. Don't blame to exercise. It was happening way before. I have started vitamins and adding more water. My doctor says we are going to wait a week, taking handfuls of Motrin three times a day. If it doesn't get better then we'll check for arthritis. super (the lowercase s indicated my sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious).

Since I know Jake is about to wake up. I want to get to the gory details of my hospital stay. If you're squimish, pregnant (Francesca, this means you), or if you still hold me on a pedestal of perfection then you can stop reading now.

When I'm nervous, or in an uncomfortable situationn I joke sometimes to the point of being inappropriate. This was my state when we arrived at the hospital at 5 am on September 11. We were quickly ushered back to the c-section prep room and I was handed a gown. It was about 5:03 at this point. I got my IV and my monitors. The nurse commented on how regular my contractions were, and was surprised at how calm I was. I had been having these contractions for about a month, but Jake was unable to drop into my pelvis.

Though I didn't say it the only thing I could think about at this point was becoming the girl in the magic trick where he saws his assistant in half. They walked me to the operating room and I sat on the table, hit my head on the light (cause I'm that tall), and took my spinal block like a champ. Still thinking about the magic trick we were about to perform. I started to get even more nervous. And by nervous I mean anxious. And by anxious I mean I was beginning to have a panic attack. (Seriously, Francesca, you need to look away) As my lower body became uncomfortable tingly and numb, I started to feel like a large cow has taken up residence on top of my chest. I was told that the science behind my emotions was due to the fact that my blood pressure had decided to take a nose dive, which apparently happens to some people. The cure for such an issue was an administration of a drug (i don't know what) and oxygen via nose tube, and rubbing an alcohol pad on my face and then tucking it under my nose tube for me to breathe. I don't know why. I'll ask next time I see the doctor. The pressure on my chest started to let up and they did the old pinch test. "Does this hurt?" "Nope (but I feel it.)" In retrospect, I should have said that whole sentence out loud, but I was so afraid that if I started talking that I would start crying uncontrollably from the fear of being sawed in half.

If you had talked to me before my c-section then you would know I was nervous about the anesthesia. In past experiences it tends to wear off on me. This probably didn't help my anxiety. I was told that if I felt any pain, that they would knock me out, no problem. They made the first incision and the next one before John got to me. I know this because I felt them. I didn't actually feel pain, but I felt the precise lines of movement. When they brought John in I had never seen him so scared, probably because he had never seen me so scared. I waited patiently for the pain to start. I felt the cauterizing and the muscle movement. I felt the reach in and the pull out. I felt the movement of my insides. I then felt every stitch and every staple as they closed up. There was no pain, though. It was a very surreal experience.

I saw the doctor for my six-week appointment the other day and asked her if this was normal. She looked horrified (guess not). Pressure is normal, but not detailed feeling. Oh well. Next time (of which there will NOT be) she promises I will be knocked out, because my body doesn't like anesthesia. Yipee.

So there you have it. After that is a total blur, cause I had the magical morphine button.

Will be posting Halloween pictures soon, so stay tuned.

PS sorry for any typos or words being left out or issues of tense or grammar. I have no time to edit as the babe is a-crying.

10:47 AM - 8 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Gory Details -as promised.
Current mood: exhausted
Category: Blogging

Thank you to all of you who have been leaving comments and sending me messages the last 6 weeks. The move from one child to two has proven to be a challenge. Also, my husband has found that the most reliable escape is to look busy on the computer. So, I hardly ever get near it.

We are all great. Jake is a chunk weighing over 12 pounds now. His clothes are all for a six-month-old. We got our fist smiles and cooing laughs this week, which just turns us all into a stupid mess. Mena is a very protective older sister, and she hasn't yet asked to send Jake back to where he came from.

I have started working out like a crazy person, going once or twice a day. I have also started with the personal trainer that I paid for in January. She's not really challenging me yet. I told he that I wanted to feel like I was going to throw-up after every time that I see her. I told her I wanted to be beaten into the ground at every session. She doesn't get it yet. Just as well. I have started to have inexplicable pain and swelling in my joints. Don't blame to exercise. It was happening way before. I have started vitamins and adding more water. My doctor says we are going to wait a week, taking handfuls of Motrin three times a day. If it doesn't get better then we'll check for arthritis. super (the lowercase s indicated my sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious).

Since I know Jake is about to wake up. I want to get to the gory details of my hospital stay. If you're squimish, pregnant (Francesca, this means you), or if you still hold me on a pedestal of perfection then you can stop reading now.

When I'm nervous, or in an uncomfortable situationn I joke sometimes to the point of being inappropriate. This was my state when we arrived at the hospital at 5 am on September 11. We were quickly ushered back to the c-section prep room and I was handed a gown. It was about 5:03 at this point. I got my IV and my monitors. The nurse commented on how regular my contractions were, and was surprised at how calm I was. I had been having these contractions for about a month, but Jake was unable to drop into my pelvis.

Though I didn't say it the only thing I could think about at this point was becoming the girl in the magic trick where he saws his assistant in half. They walked me to the operating room and I sat on the table, hit my head on the light (cause I'm that tall), and took my spinal block like a champ. Still thinking about the magic trick we were about to perform. I started to get even more nervous. And by nervous I mean anxious. And by anxious I mean I was beginning to have a panic attack. (Seriously, Francesca, you need to look away) As my lower body became uncomfortable tingly and numb, I started to feel like a large cow has taken up residence on top of my chest. I was told that the science behind my emotions was due to the fact that my blood pressure had decided to take a nose dive, which apparently happens to some people. The cure for such an issue was an administration of a drug (i don't know what) and oxygen via nose tube, and rubbing an alcohol pad on my face and then tucking it under my nose tube for me to breathe. I don't know why. I'll ask next time I see the doctor. The pressure on my chest started to let up and they did the old pinch test. "Does this hurt?" "Nope (but I feel it.)" In retrospect, I should have said that whole sentence out loud, but I was so afraid that if I started talking that I would start crying uncontrollably from the fear of being sawed in half.

If you had talked to me before my c-section then you would know I was nervous about the anesthesia. In past experiences it tends to wear off on me. This probably didn't help my anxiety. I was told that if I felt any pain, that they would knock me out, no problem. They made the first incision and the next one before John got to me. I know this because I felt them. I didn't actually feel pain, but I felt the precise lines of movement. When they brought John in I had never seen him so scared, probably because he had never seen me so scared. I waited patiently for the pain to start. I felt the cauterizing and the muscle movement. I felt the reach in and the pull out. I felt the movement of my insides. I then felt every stitch and every staple as they closed up. There was no pain, though. It was a very surreal experience.

I saw the doctor for my six-week appointment the other day and asked her if this was normal. She looked horrified (guess not). Pressure is normal, but not detailed feeling. Oh well. Next time (of which there will NOT be) she promises I will be knocked out, because my body doesn't like anesthesia. Yipee.

So there you have it. After that is a total blur, cause I had the magical morphine button.

Will be posting Halloween pictures soon, so stay tuned.

PS sorry for any typos or words being left out or issues of tense or grammar. I have no time to edit as the babe is a-crying.

10:47 AM - 8 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Saturday, September 8, 2007

You lost the bet.

You lost the bet.
Current mood: bored
Category: Blogging

For those of you playing along at home, I am still pregnant. My due date has now come and gone. At last measurement he was sitting at around 8.5 lbs and comfortable. I will be going in for a scheduled C-section on the morning of Tuesday, the 11th. Surgery will commence at 7:00 am. Yes I did say the 11th. I don't feel bad about it. I think it will be nice to have a life to celebrate on such a tragic day.

This will be my first C-section since my first child was born the traditional way, and I am a touch nervous. I have always metabolized anesthesia faster than I ought to have and I have been told that if the medication wears off then I will be put out.

Anyway, unless something interesting happens between now and Tuesday, expect my next blog to come live from the recovery room and dripping with Morphine. Should be interesting.

All the excitement.

September 1, 2007 - Saturday

All the excitment.
Current mood: bored
Category: Blogging

Last night we watched Insider or Inside man, I don't remember. It's a bank robber movie. This morning I went to my local Winn Dixie, because Mena is ill with something. Fever and sore throat from what I can tell. So, I needed to stock up on Motrin and various liquids. I got everything I needed and proceeded to the checkout counter. I had put my thing on the belt at the first register (the only one open) and was speaking with the girl there. All of a sudden a guy runs out the front door and a kid who was at the customer service counter ran after him. The guy jumped into a mini van that was waiting out front and they tore off. It wasn't before the fast acting kid got the plate number. It all happened quite quickly. Apparently the kid saw the dude run out with a bunch of steaks. The manager was on the phone with the cops as I walked out the door. It was pretty awesome. It's not a bank robbery or anything, but it was definitely the highlight of my week.

After I had told my husband about all the excitement he responded with, "I'm sure they didn't expect you to do anything." I scoffed. Good thing, 'cause the first thing they teach you in retail is not to try to stop them. The most ballsy thing I am trained to do is to offer them "great customer service" in the form of something complimentary. For example, if you are stealing a tablecloth, then I would feel obliged to show you the matching napkins. The idea is that they would just throw down the item out of embarrassment. I have always wanted to try this, but have never had the opportunity.

So I commend the brave Winn Dixie kid who ran after that Minivan to get the tag. I've never had the pleasure of being in a situation like that before. He did a great job.

Update: I am blistering nicely. I am bored to tears. I have seen every episode of Mythbusters and Cash Cab. I go to Sonic every day because they have the best ice on the planet. I can polish off 44 ounces of their Light Lemonade in 12 minutes (ice included). It's all I think about.

It's possible I might be mentally handicapped,

August 30, 2007 - Thursday

It’s possible I might be mentally handicapped.
Current mood: bored
Category: Blogging

In a wild and crazy attempt to multi-task (list to follow) I have injured myself, again. I would post the picture of my boiling water induced burn, but my belly button took a lot of the "heat" (seeing as how it would win me the photo finish of any race). No matter how I try to crop the photo it just looks gross. So, no picture.

This is how it went down.

I was . . .

a) making lasagna
b) making chicken noodle soup
c) trying to balance a 3 year old helper (in plastic princess shoes) on a chair while she watched Lion King over her shoulder
d) talking to my mother-in-law on my husband's super expensive (yet total piece of junk) cell phone.

This is not multiple choice. I was doing all of the above. I was specifically in motion of draining noodles for the soup into an already full sink of other prep items, and saying good-bye to my mother-in-law when I pulled the noodles too fast and the boiling water got me. It left me with a 3 inch burn on my tummy.

Excuse me while I bathe the dog.

I meant to actually take Buzz Lightyear to get him bathed, but I couldn't find his leash. I wasn't about to wrestle/ chase him through the Petzmart, so I bathed him here. I was going to have to clean the floors today anyway. Black dog + white bathroom = yuck.

So if you need me I'll be scrubbing. I will also be washing the clothes I had on five minutes ago, because that exactly how caught up I am on laundry. I also have lasagna and chicken noodle soup (homemade) if you're hungry. I don't know if It's good because I lost my appetite after my scalding.

6:44 AM - 3 Comments - 6 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Raving mad conspiracy.

August 21, 2007 - Tuesday

Raving mad consipracy.
Current mood: awake
Category: Blogging

For those of you who don't know, I work for Williams-Sonoma at the Summit in Birmingham. This is an outdoor shopping center, rather than a mall.

Last year, probably the weekend before Christmas, it was still unseasonably warm. So the Summit tried a gimmick to get people out and shopping. The two that I saw were at the Parisian's a few doors down from us, and at the Pottery Barn across the street. What they had done was mount a snow machine/blower contraption on the roof of these locations. This came across more awkward than grand. It was a tiny thing, much like a bubble machine at a kids party. The "snow" it blew landed in a measly three foot square below. It looked like it was more confusing to most than anything.

Anyway, to hype the event, they sent all the stores a memo explaining the concept and attempted to get us to tell our customers they must return to the summit to see such a sight.

This year I think they are trying to pull one over on us yet again. I'm not saying I got a memo, but I think I'm on to something. I was driving to work this past Wednesday, and I noticed something. There were three guys with leaf blowers just standing at the edge of the main Summit Boulevard blowing leaves into the street. In the days to follow I noticed that the parking lot (as opposed to every other surface in the state of Alabama) seems to be acquiring more and more leaves. Even walking out of Panera with my morning coffee I noticed that an unusual amount of leaves were piled under my car.

You have to understand that the Summit has an army of landscapers. There are several huge trucks that go around sweeping. There are pick-up's pulling trailers full of recycled water to make sure all the flowers are perfect. There is an army of golf carts toting people who dig up and replant the bed weekly. There are even more golf carts toting men with trashcans cleaning up the messes people leave. Plus the actual people on foot who reside in the parking lot with their brooms and dust pan's on a sick.

I'm not quite crazy enough to be taking leaf samples to see IF infact these leaves did fall from the many trees at the Summit (none of which have actually changed colors yet). But I do find it interesting that the Summit seems to simply be moving them around.

Very interesting indeed, Summit. Thant's right. I'm on to you, Summit. Go ahead, blow some leaves around, and maybe the people of Birmingham will forget for a second that it has been over a 100 degrees for the last two weeks. Once we get out of our cars we know it still blazing summer. But that's what you want, isn't it, Summit? "We see you driving by. Look at those leaves we blew on your car on your way home. It's fall at the Summit. Nice and cool. Come shopping in the cool."

Very clever, Summit.

2:16 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove